Short Bio

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Corina joined the Princeton faculty in February 2013 after completing her term as a Junior Fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows (2010-2012). She obtained her B.A.('06), M.A.('08) and PhD ('09) in Mathematics from Harvard University. She is a Guggenheim Fellow, an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, an ESA Early Career Fellow, and a Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences. Her research takes a comparative cross-scales approach to the study of complex adaptive systems: how they originate, assemble, interact with their environment, and change.

2021 – Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University
2020 – 2024Director, Program in Environmental Studies, HMEI
2018 – 2021Associate Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton
2017 – Faculty Affiliate, Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
08/2015Visiting Faculty, ENS, Paris, France
2014 – Faculty Associate, Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics
2013 – Faculty Associate, Quantitative and Computational Biology, Princeton
2013 – 2018Assistant Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton
2010 – 2013Junior Fellow in Mathematical Biology, Harvard Society of Fellows

Selected Honors & Awards

  • 2024 Guggenheim Fellowship
  • 2018 Phi Beta Kappa Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
  • 2017—2021  Ecological Society of America Early Career Fellow
  • 2016  Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences
  • 2015—2017  Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship in Computational and Evolutionary Molecular Biology
  • 2011  Scientist to Watch (The Scientist)
  • 2010—2013  Harvard Junior Fellowship in Mathematical Biology
  • 2010  Student of the Year in North America awarded by Liga Studentilor Romani din Strainatate
  • 2009  Highbridge prize awarded by the Harvard Department of Mathematics for the best PhD thesis
Advisory & Editorial Boards
  • Princeton University Press, Editorial Board
  • Monographs in Population Biology, Princeton University Press
  • PLoS Computational Biology — Associate Editor