

Tarnita, Corina E., and Arne Traulsen. “Reconciling Ecology and Evolutionary Game Theory or ‘When Not to Think cooperation’.” Biorxiv n. pag. Print.


Kawakatsu, Mari et al. “When Do Stereotypes Undermine Indirect Reciprocity?.” PLoS Comp Biol (2024): n. pag.
Michel-Mata, Sebastian et al. “The Evolution of Private Reputations in Information-Abundant Landscapes.” Nature 634 (2024): 883–889.
Staps, Merlijn, CE Tarnita, and Mari Kawakatsu. “Ecological Principles for the Evolution of Communication in Collective Systems.” Proc. R. Soc. B 291 (2024): n. pag.
Tarnita, Corina E. “Self-Organization in Spatial Ecology.” Current Biology 34.20 (2024): R965-R970.


Kessinger, Taylor, Corina E. Tarnita, and Joshua Plotkin. “Evolution of Norms for Judging Social Behavior.” PNAS 120.24 (2023): n. pag. Print.
Martinez-Garcia, Ricardo et al. “Integrating Theory and Experiments to Link Local Mechanisms and Ecosystem-Level Consequences of Vegetation Patterns in Drylands.” Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 166 (2023): n. pag. Print.
Staps, Merlijn et al. “Development Shapes the Evolutionary Diversification of Rodent Stripe Patterns.” PNAS 120.45 (2023): e2312077120.


Martinez-Garcia, Ricardo, CE Tarnita, and Juan A. Bonachela. “Spatial Patterns in Ecological Systems: From Microbial Colonies to Landscapes.” Emerging Topics in Life Sciences (2022): n. pag. Print.
Rossine, Fernando et al. “Structured Foraging of Soil Predators Unveils Functional Responses to Bacterial Defenses.” PNAS 119.52 (2022): n. pag. Print.
Staps, Merlijn, and CE Tarnita. “When Being Flexible Matters: Ecological Underpinnings for the Evolution of Collective Flexibility and Task Allocation.” PNAS 119.18 (2022): e2116066119. Print.
Staps, Merlijn, Jordi Gestel, and CE Tarnita. “Life Cycles As a Central Organizing Theme for Studying Multicellularity.” The Evolution of Multicellularity. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2022. Print.
Strogatz, Steven et al. “Fifty Years of ‘More Is different’.” Nature Reviews Physics (2022): n. pag.


Castillo Vardaro, Jessica et al. “Resource Availability and Heterogeneity Shape the Self-Organization of Regular Spatial Patterning.” Ecology Letters (2021): n. pag.
Coverdale, Tyler et al. “Large Herbivores Suppress Liana Infestation in an African Savanna.” PNAS 10.1073/pnas.2101676118 (2021): n. pag.
Tokita, Christopher K., Guess, and CE Tarnita. “Polarized Information Ecosystems Can Reorganize Social Networks via Information Cascades.” PNAS 118 (2021): e2102147118.


Baker, CCM et al. “Spatial Patterning of Soil Microbial Communities Created by Fungus-Farming Termites.” Molecular Ecology 29 (2020): 4487–4501.
Pourtois, Julie, Corina E. Tarnita, and Juan A. Bonachela. “Impact of Lytic Phages on Phosphorus- Versus Nitrogen-Limited Marine Microbes.” Frontiers in Microbiology (Aquatic Microbiology) (2020): n. pag. Print.
Rossine, Fernando et al. “Eco-Evolutionary Significance of ’loners’.” PLoS Biology (2020): n. pag. Print.
Staps, Merlijn, and CE Tarnita. “How Geometry Shapes Division of Labor.” eLife 9:e63328 (2020): n. pag. Print.


Atkins, Justine et al. “Cascading Impacts of Large-Carnivore Extirpation in an African Ecosystem.” Science 364 (2019): 173–177.
Staps, Merlijn, Jordi Gestel, and Corina E. Tarnita. “Emergence of Diverse Life Cycles and Life Histories at the Origin of Multicellularity.” Nature Ecology & Evolution (2019): n. pag.


Tarnita, Corina E. “Fast Evolution Unlocks Forbidden Communities.” Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (2018): 1525–1526.
Tarnita, Corina. “Termite Patterning at Multiple Scales.” Current Biology 28 (2018): R1382–R1405.
Ulrich, Yuko et al. “Fitness Benefits and Emergent Division of Labour at the Onset of Group Living.” Nature 560 (2018): 635–638.


Gestel, Jordi, and Corina E. Tarnita. “On the Origin of Biological Construction, With a Focus on Multicellularity.” Proc Natl Acad Sci 114.42 (2017): 11018–11026.
Martinez-Garcia, Ricardo, and Corina E. Tarnita. “Seasonality Can Induce Coexistence of Multiple Bet-Hedging Strategies in Dictyostelium Discoideum via Storage Effect.” Journal of Theoretical Biology 426 (2017): 104–116.
Tarnita, Corina E. “The Ecology and Evolution of Social Behavior in Microbes.” Journal of Experimental Biology. Special Issue: Evolution of Social Behavior 220.1 (2017): 18–24.
Tarnita, Corina E. et al. “A Theoretical Foundation for Multi-Scale Regular Vegetation Patterns.” Nature 541 (2017): 398–401.
Thutupalli et al. “Farming and Public Goods Production in C. Elegans Populations.” Proc Natl Acad Sci 114.9 (2017): 2289–2294.


Constable, George W.A. et al. “Demographic Noise Can Reverse the Direction of Deterministic Selection.” Proc Natl Acad Sci 113.32 (2016): E4745–E4754. Print.
Martinez-Garcia, Ricardo, and Corina E. Tarnita. “Lack of Ecological and Life History Context Can Create the Illusion of Social Interactions in Dictyostelium Discoideum.” PLoS Computational Biology 12.12 (2016): e1005246.
Tarnita, Corina E. “Mathematical Approaches or Agent-Based Methods? Comment on ‘Evolutionary Game Theory Using Agent-Based Methods’ by Christoph Adami Et Al.” Physics of Life Reviews 10.1016/j.plrev.2016.10.017.(invited comment) (2016): n. pag. Print.


Bonachela, Juan et al. “Termite Mounds Can Increase the Robustness of Drylands Ecosystems to Climatic Change.” Science 347 (2015): 651–655. Print.
Tarnita, Corina. “Fairness and Trust in Structured Populations.” GAMES (Special issue: Cooperation, Trust, and Reciprocity) 6 (2015): 214–230. Print.


Allen, and CE Tarnita. “Measures of Success in a Class of Evolutionary Models With Fixed Population Size and Structure..” Journal of Mathematical Biology 68 (2014): 109–143. Print.
Pringle, RM et al. “Low Functional Redundancy Among Mammalian Browsers in Regulating an Encroaching Shrub (Solanum Campylacanthum) in African Savannah.” Proceedings of the Royal Society, B 281.1785 (2014): n. pag. Print.
Tarnita, Corina, and Peter Taylor. “Measures of Relative Fitness of Social Behaviors in Finite Structured Population Models.” American Naturalist 184.4 (2014): 477–488. Print.
Tarnita, Corina, Todd Palmer, and Robert Pringle. “Colonization and Competition Dynamics Can Explain Incomplete Sterilization Parasitism in Ant-Plant Symbioses.” Ecology Letters 17.10 (2014): 1290–1298. Print.


Rand, DG* et al. “The Evolution of Fairness in the One-Shot Anonymous Ultimatum Game..” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (2013): 2581–2586 *joint first authors. Print.
Tarnita, CE, CH Taubes, and MA Nowak. “Evolutionary Construction by Staying Together and Coming Together..” Journal of Theoretical Biology 320 (2013): 10–22. Print.


Allen et al. “How Mutation Affects Evolutionary Games on Graphs..” Journal of Theoretical Biology 299 (2012): 97–105. Print.
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